Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Benefits of Using Resveratrol

I was going to write a different entry today, but when this email came into my inbox this morning, I had to share it. It came from a friend of mine, and it is entitled "Why use Resveratrol Daily?"

If you would like order Resveratrol, or learn more about this amazing discovery, click here

Or you can click this picture below and click "Products" and scroll down and watch the "Media Buzz" video and click "Ingredients" to see what is inside the ANTI-AGING SPRAY:

Adding resveratrol to the diet of yeast, fruit flies, worms, and a species of fish increased their life spans up to 70%, 29%, 24%, & 50% respectively.

Resveratrol made fat related deaths drop 31% in obese mice. The resveratrol fed obese mice also performed much better in movement and agility tests than obese mice not fed resveratrol.

Mice fed resveratrol had 100% more endurance than mice not fed resveratrol (i.e. they were able to run twice as far on a treadmill).

Want to lower your Cholesterol? Spray Resveratrol!

Resveratrol inhibits blood platelet aggregation that can lead to dangerous clots that can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals (free radicals are unstable atoms caused in part by pollution, sunlight, and our bodies natural burning of fat that can lead to cancer, aging, and brain degeneration)

Fight Alzheimers with Resveratrol.

Resveratrol has been proven to fight cancer in vitro at all three stages; (1) initiation, (2) promotion, (3) progression. Researchers found adding resveratrol, an organic compound found in grapes and particularly in red wine,

to the daily diet of short-lived fish prolonged their lifespan
and delayed the onset of age-related memory and other
problems. Resveratrol is one of a group of antioxidant
compounds called polyphenols found in red wine that has
been reported to have anti-inflammatory as well as anticancer
properties and is currently being studied for a variety of
pharmaceutical uses. Some researchers believe that
Resveratrol might be the key ingredient in red wine that helps
prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces "bad" cholesterol
and prevents blood clots.

Research in mice given resveratrol has indicated that the

antioxidant might also help protect them from obesity and

diabetes, both of which are strong risk factors for heart

disease. In addition, to achieve the dose of resveratrol used

in the mice studies, a person would have to consume 100 to

1,000 bottles of red wine a day. You would have to consume

many pills and capsules to get the results needed for

Resveratrol to give you the desired results. Not so with

AliveMax spray Resveratrol.

Remember, our delivery method (Spray) has been shown to

be up to 900% more affective than pills or capsules so using

Resveratrol in a spray is the only logical choice unless you

want to drink 100 bottles of red wine per day!

To get the full benefits of Resveratrol, use

AliveMax spray several times throughout the day.

Resveratrol produces changes associated with longer
lifespan, including increased insulin sensitivity, reduced
insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) levels, increased
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), increased
mitochondrial number, and improved motor function.
These data show that improving general health in
mammals using small molecules is an attainable goal, and
point to new approaches for treating obesity-related
disorders and diseases of ageing.

Few medical discoveries have generated so much instant buzz...

Resveratrol is the ingredient in red wine that made headlines
in November when scientists demonstrated that it kept overfed
mice from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of
Olympic marathoners, and seemed to slow down their aging
process. Few medical discoveries have generated so much
instant buzz - even Jay Leno riffed about it in his opening

Obviously Resveratrol is backed by A LOT OF RESEARCH and MEDIA ATTENTION
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Drink water to LOSE WEIGHT??!!

I'd first like to say that I am not certain as to why people don't like to drink the amount of water they should drink...maybe it's because there is just so much junk on the shelves to drink that people "don't like it" or "don't like the taste" (responses told to me), which doesn't make sense...since water doesn't have taste to begin with...
Or maybe because there are actually some people that truly believe that if they drink too much water they will gain weight from "water retention" (which is false)...
Or maybe people think they will have to visit the restroom every 5 minutes...this is not the case either, however, yes, you will visit more often...albeit a small price to pay for overall health and performance.
but these are just opinions...let's look at FACTS.

There is truly nothing like plain old water. Water is actually able to play a significant role in LOSING WEIGHT! If you're looking to slim down, it is just as important to drink lots of water, not just eat the right foods. Think about the fact that since it has no calories and no sugar, it is the perfect libation: it actually speeds up your metabolism. While this may be a modest way to lose weight, it does help. Drinking extra water is a good thing. Check out this AMAZING article I found on webmd:

Drinking water also hydrates your cells so they can efficiently process carbs and fats. If you decide to clean up your diet and eliminate white sugar, artificial flavors, etc...your body will go thru some serious but temporary changes, because it is purifying your system. If your body is not properly hydrated, your kidneys won't be able to remove the waste from your body as efficiently as it should. much is the right amount? If you're not drinking a half-ounce per pound of body weight, you're not drinking enough, no matter what you've heard. Since I'm on the track to getting back up to 185 (this time in muscle mass and not fat!!!) I'd want to drink about 95 ounces of water PER DAY. If you think that you are different, you're wrong. Read Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD.'s book, Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life for more information that debunks that myth. If you exercise, you'll have no problem drinking that much. I go thru almost a gallon of water if I combine how much I drink before, during and after exercise. I also sip water throughout the day so that I am not feeling hungry. By the way, that is also a key factor in losing weight:

If you feel hungry, it isn't necessarily because you need food, but it may because you are dehydrated. This is one of the reasons why people become overweight and QUICKLY at that...because they overeat when they aren't hungry, but thirsty. Drinking MORE water will change your food cravings. You'll crave more protein than bad carbs. Many people who go on diets think they are hungry, but simply drinking water will satisfy the needs of the body. Because the brain generates the sensation of hunger and thirst at the same time, many think they should reach for a snack rather than a glass of water. If you drink water BEFORE you eat, the two sensations are separated, the hunger is satiated, and your goals of losing weight become MUCH easier.
You can't fool your body, but your body can fool you so be sensitive and know WHEN you last ate, so that you don't spike your insulin and eat at the wrong times when you should have drank water. My next blog will cover the important topic of WHEN to eat, and why that is important in not only losing weight, but preventing type 2 diabetes as well.

One other thing: don't drink water laced with "vitamins" and other chemicals. Usually "vitamin waters" are filled with corn syrup or sucrose syrup (same thing) and other additives like artificial sweeteners, colours and added calories.

Leave your questions and comments!

Dave Rydelnik

P.S. click pictures below for high quality vitamins.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The importance of WHEN to eat!!!!

This is an interesting topic in that people don't often think about the timing of nutrition. WHEN to eat during the day is absolutely vital to your goals in losing weight as well as overall health in general!

Allow me to share with you this important factor that is often misunderstood when it comes to good health: eating about 5 or 6 small meals every 2-3 hours is VERY important for a healthy metabolism. Because I am a self-made guinea pig, here's what I learned by observation: I am thinner than I was a year and a half ago, and it isn't just due to exercise. I have don't experience the "fat happys" others often do when I know, that thing that happens when you eat a lot of food and then want to take a nap, like I used to do. Even when I consume something like PASTA which is LOADED with carbs, instead of crashing, I feel energized.
Research shows that irregular meal frequency leads to changes in daily energy intake and negative metabolic effects that absolutely contribute to obesity and insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes is the proof of the matter).
The very first meal of the day needs to be breakfast. The body is in a catabolic state when one awakens, so the body needs fuel to operate correctly. This catabolic state is basically your body fueling itself off of your own muscle, so protien, whether in solid food or whey/soy is vital to reverse this state. Because either soy or whey protein shakes are absorbed rapidly, they are probably your best bet to getting protein fast. I don't know about you, but when I drink a protein shake, my energy level soars, in a good way...better than coffee! AND as an added bonus, protein helps you feel full.
There must be a balance of proteins, carbs and fats in a person's diet. Not all fats are bad (monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as well as fats from fish, nuts, olive oil and grains are good for you) and not all complex carbs are good for you. REFINED carbs, like commercial pasta, while complex, are bad for you. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good complex carbs.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Dear reader:
I've decided to create a blog to be able to share with all of you some of the helpful tips I've learned along the way to become more healthy and fit. The reason why I have decided to do this is because I love to help people, and I know thru personal experience that good physical health will effect aspects of your life.

I am not here to try and give my opinions, although I will share some. The information I will bring will be based on facts and research, as well as my own personal results that edify and backup that research. Think of me as your own personal guinea pig! Although, everyone is different, and everyone has different needs. Hopefully the information I will be sharing with all of you will help you relate to your own personal needs. And of course, if you have questions or comments, please direct them here!


Please keep in mind that this is my own story and therefore it will contain my own opinions about myself. Some of the stories may relate to some people, and not to others. These stories will relate to my eventual changing of my eating and exercise habits.

There are a few events in my life which eventually gave me the desire to take control of my personal health and fitness. Obviously, being 27 years old is one of them, as I am not getting any younger, and I have years of bad eating habits behind me that were pushing me down a road to an early grave for sure. But in order to talk about where I am now and how I got there, I have to start from the beginning.
I will begin with the earliest memory I have of myself: a scrawny, wimpy weakling. As a little kid I was a runt. I was picked on a lot as a kid, and I remember kids in classes always being bigger and tougher than me. I know kids get picked on a lot in school but I felt like I was the kid who got it the worst. Heak, even one of the teachers in the school called me "shrimps"! Needless to say, as a little kid I was quite tiny. How I ended up being 5'9 is a miracle within itself! My mom is 5'1 and my dad was 5'6, so somehow I got lucky.

I remember that in 8th grade I was about 80 pounds. I think that's pretty light for a boy at that age. I graduated high school weighing 155. Now, lemme talk about my eating habits in high school for a moment.
My day started off with either no breakfast at all, or a breakfast I bought from school: a bagel (with no nutritional value) with a greasy sausage patty and cheese in the middle of it. This is certainly not a healthy option. What you put in your body (or don't put in) effects how you not just how you feel, but how you think. I'll cover that subject in a blog I will write very soon, within the next week or so.
Lunch was very late in the day. For the majority of high school, I had lunch within the last part of the day. So imagine that you wake up and you don't eat breakfast, and then you go thru an entire day without eating, except at lunch, which is right before you last class of the day. How would you perform? Or how would you not perform, is more like it...
Here was my typical lunch: I ate what I wanted, no matter how bad it was, and I ate till I couldn't. The first part of lunch at school consisted of 3-5 slices (usually 5) of frozen, processed, greasy, trans-fatty frozen pizza that I bought at school. It tasted good to me, which is why I bought it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Included with that were 2 pints of chocolate milk, and/or a 16 ounce Kiwi-Strawberry Snapple. For desert, I'd have "Mrs. Freshley's Golden Creme Cakes", served in a pack of 3. (Like Twinkies, but softer). NO DOUBT that back then (1996-2000) that stuff was LOADED with trans fat. (I will be writing a blog about foods to avoid, and trans fats are absolutely one of them, and I'll explain why). If I was still hungry (which I usually was, after all, I DID skip breakfast) I would buy a twin pack of "Mrs. Freshley's Buddy Bars" (peanut butter between 3 wafers covered in're average processed peanut butter bar.)
So to recap:
3-5 (usually 5) slices of pizza
16 ounce Kiwi Strawberry Snapple and/or
2 pints chocolate milk
3 pack golden cremes
2 pack peanut butter bars

Add to the fact that, for most of high school my lunch was only one period before the last period of school. So guess what I was doing during that class? SLEEPING. I was in a coma for most of that class, and it's only by a miracle that I passed.
I can't imagine how many calories and processed sugar I must have taken in per lunch, but I'm surprised I didn't develop type 2 diabetes or have a heart attack. Keep in mind, this is what it was like for MOST of high school, and I didn't even cover my jr. high eating disasters.
And of course, I never had fresh fruits or vegetables. I didn't even eat veggies at dinner. Needless to say, it was bad. But don't think for one second that just because I was young and in high school that this should be an excuse. I'M LUCKY that I had the option to take control of what I put in my body, because frankly, what I ate should have killed me. No doubt I had a super fast metabolism (just like my dad when he was my age) that kept me thin...but that caught up to me (just like it caught up to him).

At some point, around age 23 or 24, EVERYTHING came to a rock solid halt. My metabolism wasn't the kindled fire it used to be. Instead, my energy was very sluggish, and my stomach was starting to turn into a "pot-belly". What used to be a guy who was skinny as a rail at age 20 and 21 was now starting to get a "gut".
I'll never forget my friend pointing it out to me, either. We were at a friend's house, and my friend Mike said to me, "Do you drink beer?" I said I didn't, and asked why. He said, "Because you've got a beer gut". I still remember it like it was yesterday, and that resonated something in me that finally caused me to change!! So Mike, if you're reading this, I do have to thank you, my friend.

I still ate anything I felt like, and I still treated my body however I felt. The one thing that changed was watching dad get type 2 diabetes because of his weight. I decided to start taking high potency multivitamins.
Using a multivitamin was a good start to getting in the habit of putting better things in my diet. At this point, I was now out of community college and at SUNY Fredonia. I had read somewhere that bottom feeders in the ocean contain waste material and mercury so I cut that out of my diet. About 6 months later, I decided to cut all pork out of my diet as well, for the same reason. (I will go in detail about that in the blog about what to never ever put in your body. Some of you will disagree, but as I said before, I will be writing about facts and not about opinion unless it parallels some story within my own life.) My big downfall was the QUANTITY of food I would consume, and the TIMING as to when I would eat.
At Fredonia, they had an eating establishment called the "William's Center" or "Willy C" to us cool people. Anyway, at night, they served an entire box of pizza and an extra large soft drink for only 2 meals from your meal plan. They called it "late night at the Willy C". Well, this late night was great, because I would stuff myself silly with all of the pizza I could eat (what is it with me and pizza anyway??) and then you could guzzle down a 40 ounce soda (or in my case a "pink lemonade" with no ice.........loaded with high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, processed sugar and artifical colours...)
And because this was indeed late at night, guess what I would do next? I'd go to sleep of course! This is what I call living the "sumo wrestler lifestyle" because that's how sumo wrestlers become so large. Here is what I found on wikipedia:
Rikishi are not normally allowed to eat breakfast and are expected to have a form of siesta after a large lunch. The most common type of lunch served is the traditional "sumo meal" of chankonabe which consists of a simmering stew cooked at table which contains various fish, meat, and vegetables. It is usually eaten with rice and washed down with beer. This regimen of no breakfast and a large lunch followed by a sleep helps rikishi put on weight so as to compete more effectively. (
They don't eat breakfast (like me in high school and most of college)
They eat a very large lunch (check)
They'd nap after (wow)
Sounds like me.

By the way, I will be talking about our nutrition as how it relates to our health. Today, I hardly ever get sick. Back in high school up until I changed my physical habits and nutrition, I ALWAYS got sick. Every other month I would have severe ear infections. This is not only proven by my example, but I'll use facts to back this up as well.

Summer of 2007 was another turning point. I went to Florida for a week to help chaperon our church youth group on a trip. I remember sitting in the pool seeing the young fit high school guys and thinking, "I wish I had actually taken physical fitness seriously when I was that age". I felt so embarrassed and disgusted by the way I looked that I didn't really want to take my shirt off. I remember looking at the photos of myself from that whole year and thinking that I'm in big trouble with my weight.

October 26, 2007 was the major spark that eventually ignited a whole fire of change. I was attending SUNY Purchase for jazz studies, and I had traveled to Schenectady to see a concert. That night I was sitting on the couch talking to my mom, with the television on. We were flipping thru the channels when we came to a program called "Get Ripped in 90 Days". We stopped on that channel and mom and I were amazed at the infomercial. The people we saw and the dramatic changes they had made were enough for me to say, "Mom, I don't want anything else for my birthday (which was a month away), I JUST WANT THAT". My mom agreed (she still got me my traditional Hess truck she buys me for my birthday every year, tho :) ) and right around the time of my birthday, or, "Power 90 Extreme" had come to my door.
Well folks, unfortunately my physique was so out of shape, that I didn't pass the preliminary fitness test in the first few pages of the guide book of the program. I didn't want to risk injury or heart attack so I decided not to attempt the program. But I wasn't going to give up on changing my lifestyle. If there was a "Power 90 extreme", surely there must be a "Power 90 ____". And sure enough,
was one of the first programs the company had made. So, on February 4th, about a week after the 2nd semester of school started, I embarked on a quest that changed my life forever. The program came with simple recipes for healthy meals, a program guide to help me learn what in the world I was doing, and I MADE SURE that I always had a "why" in mind for doing something like this.

These exercise programs are not just about exercising, as that is only part of the equation. I decided that I did not want to keep bombarding my body with bad food. I was so adamant about this that I pretty much went cold turkey on cutting out the things that shouldn't be put into a person's body. I've made it a habit of cutting out pork, shellfish, processed food,
white flour, hydrogenated oils, white sugar, soft drinks, high fructose corn
syrup, artificial sweeteners and flavours and colours, alcohol, and I make sure I drink
plenty of water and eat raw, organic foods as much as possible. I will go into detail about why people should not eat these "foods" in an upcoming blog, and of course it will be based purely on fact, not opinion.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, feel free to leave comments or questions.

Dave Rydelnik

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